Doing hard things is hard

In the modern world we try too hard to understand the realm of the mysteries, as though they were something that could be bottled up and sold.
The ultimate initiation is that there is none.
Just you, yourself and your “I” on a journey that simply gets curiouser and curiouser.
If you take yourself too seriously, you’re lost.
But when you find yourself on your knees, that’s when you’ll be found.
Be simple.
This is the easiest way.
But as they often say in spiritual circles, the easy way is hard enough.
The question I ask myself is: how does one then co-create a business and a life with such an unreliable trickster as a partner?
And the answer comes that it is all accomplished in the dance of joys and sorrows, trials and errors, through the many hands of the goddess.
Be bold. Make your mistakes. That is fastest way to learn. The universe is not that delicate — it won’t break from your recklessness! Neither will you.
The more you try to be somebody the worse you’ll feel. Simply carry yourself from the inside, centered in your own power, in the grace of your being, fully present and unselfconscious. That is all it takes.
Be beautiful. Adorn yourself. How pretty you give yourself permission to be on the outside is a direct reflection of how pretty you feel on the inside. Allow yourself to be beautiful, inside and out.
Be ambitious. Dreams were made for chasing. Make them big. Make them worth chasing after. If you fail, fail gloriously reaching for the stars. You are never too old to concoct a new dream and chase after it.
Don’t linger too long over broken promises, hurts, and failures. Regardless of what you’ve heard, you don’t have to be fully healed to keep going, to be successful, to start over, or to be loved.
Healing takes as long as it takes. Don’t rush your grief. Savor it like the waterfall of blessed emotion that it is. Let it wash over you and cleanse you.
Always keep learning. There is always a new hobby, a new skill, a new language to learn. Take a dance class, a pottery class, an acting class. Engage your mind in something that keeps you curious, keeps you fascinated. But don’t get so lost in your mind you disconnect from your body.
Watch out for boredom. Actively be vigilant of when it sets in and do something about it. Brainstorm a 100 ideas and throw them all away and then come up with a 100 more until something inspires you. Then go do it.
The goddess lives within your own body, god is nearer to you than your breath. You didn’t come here to be disembodied and dissociated. Don’t get addicted to high places. Don’t fall in love with death. Keep your passion for life burning bright. It is a tremendous gift to be alive.
Don’t elevate neutrality for it can turn to apathy. Be emotional. Be angry. Be hurt. Stand up for yourself and for others. That’s how you know you still care. That’s a sign of life.
Don’t follow blindly the teachings of the past. They are no longer for you. The time for teachers is past. It is time to blaze your own trail, to offer your own gifts, and learn through your own undoing and becoming.
You have been well prepared for this journey.
Now — fly!