Doing hard things is hard

If we don’t do hard things, if we shrink from the things that scare us or challenge us or feel uncomfortable, we stagnate in a comfort zone that ultimately robs us of our aliveness and joy.
But hard things are hard to do. They take us out of the joyful bubble of peace and security we might have created for ourselves. They are potentially world shattering, identity destroying risks that we must take in order to grow and find purpose. They have the potential to bring us to our knees, and they often make us want to burn it all down, or run away and never look back, or hide under the covers and never try again.
One of the most fearsome inner demons is imposter syndrome. Who am I to be doing this? What do I know anyway? Why did I ever think I could do better than everyone else who came before me? What if they figure out I’m no good?
It goes without saying: if we don’t try and fall and fail and try again, we will never become the person who we need to become in order to succeed. A certain amount of hubris is necessary to stake our claim and take our shot.
We have to be willing to give up our peace, our sparkle, our self assurance and accept that if we reach for something truly worth reaching for there will be days or even weeks when all we will be capable of doing is to curl up under a blanket, eat ice cream and not leave the house.
In spiritual circles, no one talks about how essential it is to our growth to eat ice cream! 🍨
Just kidding.
What I’m really saying is, if you’re going it alone and you don’t have a support system of friends or a partner who can cheer you up and cheer you on, then you’re just going to have to be kind to yourself. It’s not going to look pretty every day but that’s no reason to give up on your vision so quickly. Allow yourself your bad days. They eventually pass. Your strength will return. You will dance again.
The ONLY way to find aliveness in life is to keep trying for something.
You can do it!
I believe in you.