Resources for the serious seeker
My own path and influences can be gleaned from the (short) list of teachers/teachings below that I have personally found to be profoundly authentic and useful in furthering my own progress. For the most part, my philosophy can be summed up in the words of Samuel Sagan: “See for yourself, know for yourself.”
The following are listed in no particular order.
- Initiation by Elisabeth Haich, a yogini’s journey through Ancient Egypt
- The Red Lion by Maria Szepes, a novel about how reincarnation and karma really work
- For the Benefit of All Beings, a documentary film on the life and teachings of Garchen Rinpoche
- Dreaming Yourself Awake by Alan Wallace and The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
- Dream Tending by Steven Aizenstat
- Depth Psychology and the works of Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell and James Hillman
- The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu as read by Wayne Dyer
- Lee Harris’ “How to channel and why” (plus a few links that cover the gist of it)
- Gene Ang‘s teachings, trainings, and retreats
- Samual Sagan‘s comprehensive online meditation training program through the Clairvision School of Meditation, his magnus opus A Language to Map Consciousness, and his quartet of Atlantis books written in the timeless tradition of spiritual instruction through storytelling
- Daskolos and the Researchers of Truth (along with the works of Rudolf Steiner, and other similar Western esotericists)
- My Path in Shamanism – an interview with Michael Harner (or you can read my article on What is Shamanism)
- An Interview with Eugenia Oganova on Animal Spirit Guides, her books and the Starseed Initiative (see also The Starseed Contract)
- Why UFOs by John Keel and Harvard psychiatrist John Mack’s Program for Extraordinary Experience Research (PEER) underscoring the universality of spiritual phenomena, from angels to aliens
- Kundalini: Evolution and Enlightenment edited by John White
- Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, anything by Master Sivananda, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda, Tantra Illuminated by Christopher Wallis, Mantra and Primal Sound by David Frawley, Radha: Diary of Woman’s Search by Swami Sivananda Radha; and anything that references stories from the Yoga Vasistha, a seminal text about the true nature of reality and the spiritual quest
- The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna translated by Swami Nikhilananda and Kali: The Black Goddess of Dakshineswar by Elizabeth Usha Harding
- A Course in Miracles and Gifts From A Course in Miracles — or A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, for a more accessible approach to this channeled text
- Japanese Art Of Reiki by Bronwen & Frans Stiene, All Love by Diane Shewmaker, Essential Reiki by Diane Stein, and Reiki: The Healing Touch by William Lee Rand
- The Sufi Book of Life by Neil Douglas Klotz and the poetry of Rumi, Hafiz, and Khayyam.
- Illusions by Richard Bach