Initiation into the Egyptian mysteries of the divine feminine

You came here on a mission
You have forgotten why you are here
You need to get back on track

This program is a vibrational incubator, a sacred sanctuary where you will realign with your purpose and awaken dormant energies within you. 

Even if you have long been a pillar of light for others, you may sometimes find yourself facing a dark tunnel, struggling with your heart or your health, and questioning everything. This unraveling is not something you must overcome, it is a necessary part of your soul’s continuous evolution to further uncover what has been hidden and to bring forth what is most authentic for you. But you don’t have to walk this path alone.

Anchored by the activations I received in Egypt last November, this small group experience offers a supportive energetic container and community that will catalyze your process, reawaken your gifts, and help you remember who you are.

Join me starting on August 8 for a 12-week journey into the potent goddess magic of ancient Egypt as we reclaim and rekindle what we came here to do eons ago.

The program has already begun. But it’s not too late to join the community! Apply below to be notified of the next opportunity to participate in this or other programs.

certification course in egyptian alchemy of the divine feminine

Course overview

This program is your chrysalis, a virtual retreat and healing intensive where you will grow your divine wings and step fully into the light of who you are and why you are here.

At the heart of this program are activations — energetic transmissions that serve as access codes to sacred temple gateways, portals that hold immense spiritual power. These transmissions will help you upgrade your subtle bodies, activate latent spiritual gifts, receive physical and emotional healing, and recall past life memories.

Each class will spotlight a different goddess, exploring her attributes, story, and symbolism. Through a combination of guided meditation journeys to ancient sites, breathing and embodiment practices, journal prompts, readings, and discussions you will deepen your connection with these potent energies.

Opening and closing ceremony

We will open our container on the Lion’s Gate portal on 8/8, a potent energetic gateway corresponding to the alignment of the star Sirius with the Sun in Leo. We will close with a celebration ceremony on 10/31 marked in ancient times as the Feast Day of Ra, Sekhmet, and Bastet. At this point of our journey, you will be invited to make an offering to the goddess of your choice in the form of an original essay, slide presentation, painting, song, poem, or other medium of your choosing.

Why choose this course?

🔮 1:1 and group support: Benefit from 3x individual sessions for healing, activations, and Q&A, to be used at your discretion during the course, plus a supportive community of like-minded individuals on a similar path of growth and expansion. 2-hour group calls held every other week.

🔮 Transformational journey: Embark on a holistic voyage of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Weekly journal prompts within a private Facebook group foster deeper reflection and integration to aid your progress.

🔮 Certification: Receive a Certificate of Completion in Egyptian Alchemy of the Divine Feminine at the end of the course.

This course is for you if

🌱 You are on an ascension path with all the challenges and wonder that involves. Some days are harder than others and you’re feeling the need for a peer group to share joys and sorrows with that “gets” it.

🌱 You have already studied and practiced a wide variety of modalities from yoga to Reiki and the Law of Attraction. But you are so multicultural and multifaceted (and multidimensional!) at this point that narrowing your focus to just one thing would be too restrictive.

🌱 Your spirituality is eclectic. You are always looking to expand your repertoire of energetic experiences by learning new practices, mantras, and techniques, visiting sacred sites, vortices, and gateways, receiving initiations, activations, and attunements, participating in rituals, ceremony, plant medicine, and so on.

🌱 You have a desire to deepen your connection to the divine feminine. In a world that is always on-the-go, you are seeking stillness, allowing, rest, and Be-ing. In a world seeking structure and definition, you are drawn to the mystical, magical, and mysterious. You are learning to tune in to your body, other people, as well as the world of spirit.

🌱 You are no longer looking for a teacher or a guru, but rather gentle mentoring, occasional clarification, deep listening, and peer support. 


Program dates: 8/8/2024 – 10/31/2024
Opening and closing ceremony on 8/8 (Lion’s Gate) and 10/31 (Sekhmet Day) with group calls every other week on Sundays

Location: Zoom

Exchange: $888
(sliding scale available if cost is a concern)

Certification: Attendance at all group calls and a final submission will be required for certification.

Small group experience: Limited to a total of 5 participants.

The program has already begun. But it’s not too late to join the community! Apply below to be notified of the next opportunity to participate in this or other programs.

Egypt 2025:
A Journey Through Time

Be among the first to be notified about our upcoming trip to Egypt as soon as more details/dates are posted!

Sign up to stay informed ↗

We have called you here 
to this holy and ancient land
and when you return

to your homes
you will be the same
but different

It will take some time
to integrate what
you have received here

As you remain
in intention of service
to the embodied and un-bodied
and to walk

the way of the stars
on earth